The COVID-19 has led us to adopt new protocols to ensure patient and staff safety in healthcare facilities. Having said that, it is crucial to equip yourself with the right surface cleaning and disinfection products in healthcare facilities! What are the right products? How should you clean? Let’s explore them with the help from Rubbermaid Commercial Products, a world leader in the commercial cleaning industry! Of course, in these strange days, depending on the availability of some products, Lalema has suggestions as well ;)!
First of all, here are some products suggested by RCP for surface cleaning. Overall, most of them are available. Otherwise, we have replacements.
Hygen microfiber cloths – Rubbermaid Commercial Products’ all-purpose 16″ x 16″ HYGEN microfiber cloths remove 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria tested on surfaces.
Bowl Brush – This bowl brush has a plastic handle. The brush is made of polypropylene bristles. It is odor and stain resistant.
Toilet brush holder – This toilet brush holder is made of polypropylene. It is stain and odor resistant.
Bottle and Sprayer: Graduated bottle for inserting and spraying cleaning solutions.
As a replacement for Hygen disposable microfiber cloths and its charging tub system, we suggest this:
Dry Wipes and MYOSAN TB Kit – Kit of dry wipes and MYOSAN TB designed to disinfect and eliminate microorganisms on hard surfaces. It should inactivate the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Second, as expectations for cleanliness and hygiene rise, facilities must ensure that they have an established surface cleaning and disinfection process. This includes regular cleaning of high-traffic areas. Below are the best surface cleaning practices used in hospitals around the world today.
- Clean systematically, clockwise or counterclockwise – No surface is forgotten, this process saves time and is more ergonomic
- Go from clean to dirty – This reduces the likelihood of the spread of infections and contaminants
- Clean from the top to the bottom – Any dust or debris dislodged from the upper surface will naturally fall to the lower surfaces
- Wipe in one direction (unidirectional wiping) – Unidirectional wiping ensures that the solution is applied over the entire surface, while circular wiping re-contaminates areas
- Color Coding – Use single color wiping cloth for each zone. For example:
- Red for high risk areas
- Blue for mirrors
- Yellow for baths and showers
Finally, the 8-surface folding methodology! This is the 8-sided folding for microfiber cloths. It optimizes the use of the cloth while reducing the risk of cross-contamination during the cleaning process. Here are the steps:

8-surface folding methodology by Rubbermaid Commercial Products
- Start by opening a clean microfiber cloth
- Fold the microfiber cloth in half
- Fold the microfiber cloth into four pieces
- Clean surfaces with both sides of the cloth exposed
- Open the microfiber cloth once to change the sides
- Fold over to expose both clean cleaning surfaces
- Fully open the microfiber cloth when all four sides have been used
- Repeat steps 2 to 7 to use all eight sides
In short, these tips are only general since we could have gone deeper into the details or in further checklists. However, the importance is to set up a methodology for surface cleaning and disinfection and to be equipped with the right products. Don’t forget to wear personal safety equipment! Let’s save the subject of floor cleaning for another day!
Lalema would like to thank and salute all the staff in the healthcare facilities for their services!