Bleach has been studied for the first time by a French chemist named Claude Louis Berthollet in 1775. His factory was based in Paris in the district of… Javel! That is why the French are calling it: Eau de Javel (Javel Water).

JAVEL Undergroud Station in Paris. Photo courtesy of Google Street View
At first, bleach was used for laundry and as a fade. From 1820, a pharmacist named Antoine Germain Labarraque studied more deeply its disinfecting properties . In the XIX Century, it was commonly used as a disinfectant and water treatment. The NASA used bleach during the Apollo program to disinfect the Apollo XI rocket after its return, in order to avoid contaminating Earth with potential dangerous viruses!
What is Bleach?
Bleach is composed of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). For chemistry fans, its chemical formula is as follows:
Cl2 + 2 NaOH → NaCl + NaClO + H2O.
For those who don’t like chemistry, well… the formula is the same!
What’s new with Bleach?
Nowadays, bleach is still used as a disinfectant. Stabilized formulas enable to combine the disinfecting ability of chlorine together with the cleaning ability of surfactants.
Other references:
We have cleaning solution for you
Visit our web site at You will find what you need to distinfect with sodium hypochlorite solution. We are also he owner of Certiklor Technology
How to obtain a more effective disinfection with Certiklör?
What is Certiklör? The name of a new chemical? A new government certification?
None of the above! Simply put, Certiklör technology is the insurance for you, your patients and all Canadians to achieve a better, more efficient and high quality disinfection. Certiklör is a proprietary technology developed by Lalema for you. This technology ensures that you have in the bottle, an effective stabilized hypochlorite, and here to stay!