Wipe out gastroenteritis!


Standard disinfectants are not as effective when facing viruses that cause gastroenteritis.

Approximately 40% of commercial disinfectants that are used to clean surfaces are little or no effective in destroying the norovirus, the virus that causes gastroenteritis. This is what Dr Julie Jean, of the Université de Laval, has found in her recent study.* Her research has demonstrated that bleach-based disinfectants are the most effective in reducing the norovirus from surfaces.

The virus that is responsible of gastroenteritis

The norovirus is the main cause for viral gastro-enteritis in health centers. Moreover, it’s responsible of half of gastro-enteritis breaks originating from food. This virus spreads mainly through direct contact with the infected people, or indirectly through objects, food, or dirty surfaces.

The effectiveness of disinfectants used for cleaning surfaces is therefore crucial to limit the spread of viruses.

The best strategy to prevent gastroenteritis

As a conclusion, the research suggests that the best strategy to limit the spread of the norovirus is to use a disinfectant containing bleach and leave it in contact with the surface for at least five minutes, ideally ten.