Disinfection and ecology
Disinfection and ecology are two words that we do not tend to associate. Indeed, disinfectants are often based on principles with an unpleasant toxicoecological profile. UL Environment developed a standard for environmentally friendly disinfectant that meets the UL Environment 2794 standard, formerly EcoLogo DCC-166.
But what is an ecological disinfectant?
It is a disinfectant with a minimal risk to the environment. Specifically, it is a product containing no carcinogen or phosphates, which is also low in VOC, non-toxic and readily biodegradable.
Is it as effective as an environmental disinfectant?
For example, we do have a Ecologo certified disinfectant called Eko-Quat. This particular disinfectant is recognized as effective against 20 microorganisms. In particular, against pathogens of importance such as vancomycin-resistant Enterococci, Escherichia coli O157: H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). It goes without saying that this disinfectant is as effective as non-ecological disinfectants based on the same technology. Indeed, our disinfectant has a DIN: 02423391.
Who should use this type of disinfectants?
These disinfectants are ideal for retirement homes, veterinary clinics or hospitals. In short, they are designed for all and allows to disinfect in a responsible way toward the environment.
Why use it?
It is recognized that quaternary ammonium compounds have high efficiency and broad antimicrobial spectrum. Also, did you know that quaternary ammoniums are rather effective in neutralizing odors? Yes, although it is not a feature often discussed quaternary ammoniums, they are very good to neutralize several unpleasant odors.