You have probably already heard that cellphones are some of the dirtiest things that you can touch. What you probably don’t know is just how bad they are. According to Patrick Boshell (2013), cellphones carry about 25,000 germs per square inch or, in other words, 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

Cellphones come with us wherever we go, even the bathroom! So it’s no surprise that it is one of the dirtiest objects to come into contact with. Although a lot of the bacteria found on your phone won’t make you sick, studies have found that some pretty dangerous pathogens can be found on your phone, such as MRSA or E. Coli.
So, what can you do to protect yourself against the potentially harmful bacteria on your phone?
How to keep your cellphone clean
The following is a list of recommendations to help keep your cellphone bacteria-free (or as close to it as possible):
- Wash your hands frequently and properly. It may seem obvious, but many people don’t pay attention to hand-washing guidelines, which results in hands that were not washed properly carrying bacterias that will touch and contaminate your phone. Hand-washing is probably the most important thing you can do to keep your phone clean, since the majority of the bacteria is transferred from your hands.
- Keep your phone out of the bathroom. Bathrooms are some of the dirtiest places that you go to. Using your phone while you’re in the bathroom exposes it to the bacteria lurking in stalls.
- Wipe down your phone. Time magazine recommends two options for cleaning your cellphones: (1) wipe the phone with a microfibre cloth or (2) for a deeper clean, combine water and alcohol and dip a cloth in the mix and wipe down your screen.
For more information, take a look at this video below: