How to make cleaning safer in 7 steps

According to ASSTSAS, falls and slips account for 18% of workers’ compensation costs in the province of Quebec. This is the third leading cause of workplace accidents in the health and social services sector and it includes all types of jobs.

Causes of workplace accidents

There are many other causes of workplace related accidents :

  • Fall and slide accidents
  • Muscle problems related to lift and flexion
  • Eye and skin lesions, often related to the handling of chemicals
  • Respiratory problems, often the result of working with chemicals and equipment
  • Accidental exposure to electrical hazards or biological hazards

Seven ways to make cleaning work safer

  1. Ensure periodic review of working methods and procedures
  2. Identify and evaluate “at risk” situations including load lifting, repetitive movements, exposure to chemicals, air quality, work organization
  3. Determine tasks requiring personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles, masks, protective sleeves, etc.
  4. Wear non-slip shoes when stripping or laying floor finish
  5. Install “wet floor” safety panels when washing floors. Remove the panels when the floors are dry.
  6. Inspect the electrical wiring of your equipment regularly. Never pull the wire to disconnect a device.
  7. Consider the presence of any body fluid or blood as a real biological hazard and clean up only if you have received the proper training.


Click to access FT13_chutes_WEB.pdf–20393 (via Kim B., thanks!)